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단어형성: Wording

~ -> ~/ing -> 꼭지
Phoneme > Letter > Word > Sentence     
두개의 글자로 구성된 ‘가다(gada)'란 단어를 보세요. 첫 글자는 왼쪽에 ‘ㄱ(g)'가 있고, 오른쪽에 ‘ㅏ’(a)가 있니다. 둣째 글자는 왼쪽에 ‘ㄷ(d)'가 있고, 오른쪽에 ‘ㅏ’(a)가 있니다. 이 두 글자들이 합쳐져 '가다(go)란 뜻의 단어가 형성되니다.
Look at this word ‘가다(gada)' which consists of two characters. The first character of the word is formed by ‘ㄱ(g)' at the left and ‘ㅏ’(a) at the right. It forms the first character. Then, the second character can be formed similarly. These two characters are combined together, forming a word:
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 무거래 사업 incolkh@gmail.com
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