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도로/길/거리: Road/Street
도로: [dr]
  road, way
  a road; a street (가로); a highway; an avenue; a thoroughfare (큰 길); the route (노정)
길: [gil]
  way, road
  ① 『도로』 a way; a road; a street (거리); an avenue (가로수길); 『간선도로』 a highway; 『소로』 a path; a lane; a pass; 『통로』 a passage
② 『가야 할 ~』 a way; journey; 『거리』 distance.
③ 『진로』 a course; a way; 『경로』 a route; a channel
④ 『수단』 a means; 『방법』 a way
⑤ 『올바른 길』 a way 「of behaving, of life」; a path (of duty); a duty; 『도의』 a moral principle [doctrine]; 『가르침』 teachings; 『진실』 truth; the true way;
⑥ 『전문분야?영역』 a line (of busi-ness); a profession; a speciality
거리: [gri] geori
  street, road
  ① 『길거리』 a road; a street
② 『항간』 a down-town area; a town; a quarter
삼거리: [samgri]: samgeori
a junction of three roads; a three-forked road
사거리: [sagri]: sageori
네거리: [nemgri]: negeori
a crossroads; a crossing; an intersection
오거리: [gri]: ogeori
a five-way crossing
육거리: [jukgri]: yukgeori
a six-way crossing
팔거리: [palgri]: palgeori
a eight-way crossing
횡단보도: [hiŋ dan b d]: hoingdanbodo
a crosswalk; a pedestrian crossing

명사(Noun) - 기본
술어(Verb) - 기본
명사(Noun) - 모음
술어(Verb) - 모음
동음이의어(同音異義語/Homonym) => Go

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