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상세보기=> Language


metaphor(은유(隱喩)): A figure of speech describing a subject by asserting

    the similar expression by comparison

cf) analogy(비유(比喩)): simile(직유(直喩)) / metaphor(은유(隱喩))


metaphor 예제1(Low-balling)


Paradox(역설): 논리에 맞지 않는 말이지만 음미해보면 뜻이 통하는 말

    A statement that apparently contradicts itself and yet might be true.
    paradox 예제 => Go

Irony(아이러니): 논리에 맞는 것 같지만 앞*뒤가 맞지 않는 말 => Go

    irony(아이러니) 예제 => Go  / Go

Contradiction(모순): 앞과 뒤가 서로 맞지 않는 말이나 행동: a two-sided triangle

    Contradiction(모순)에 대한 글읽기=> Go


    The ability to keep one's thoughts and attention on one fact until one knows it throughly.
    concentration 예제 => Go
  Parasite(기생(寄生)): An organism that lives on or in an organism of another ~~
* EBS 특집 => Go
에듀인 Issue
에듀 특강
 Rainbow 특강
 객관적 상관물
 DoReMi Song